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WOS 7-6-22 Enemies seek infiltration!

I speak unto you this day, and I say that it is Me the Living God who will give to you the Abundance of Life. As you stay steady in your trust, your confidence, and your hope, you will be guided daily by My Holy Spirit. The Spirit gives the godly counsel and wisdom that you have need of, each and every day. Therefore keep single in your vision for I will not forsake you nor abandon you to the plots of the wicked.

Yes, I fully am aware of how much the wicked hate and despise you, and want to see you destroyed. I do not leave you alone, nor do I forsake you to the plots of the wicked. For while they may believe in their demented, demonically inspired thoughts that they have you as their own, it is not true. Because it is Me the Living God who delivers the righteous from the hands of the evil doers who have sought to eliminate the just.

Do not be anxious, neither be afraid for I am with you, and I will uplift you above them. By My Spirit power, you are able to ascend into the heavenly dimensions that I provide. Train yourselves to look to Me as your Life Source. Do not be focusing on your circumstances and situations, and the evils of the same.

The enemy forces will always try to infiltrate your minds. This they do, to convince you that your lives would be so much better if you surrendered to them. However, they are perpetual liars and cheats as their desire is for your death and damnation. With such a devilish goal, they plot and scheme, using every manipulation to lead you into captivity. Then, they attempt to degrade you and devastate any resistance to sin that you have.

I do not close My eyes and walk away from you, for My eyes are ever upon you. I search your hearts and desire you to choose Me as your Master and Lord. There are so many in this times who have fallen prey to the manipulative tactics of the oppressive forces, all to their own destruction. In the end, all will give an account. I search thru out the earth for the ones who will strive to stay true to Me.

Do consider the valiant ones who have gone before you. They are in the Great Cloud of Witnesses, and they are praying for you. This is because the heavenly desire is, that you would prove to be faithful and true to the Way that has been given to you. If you are willing to suffer for the cause of Christ, then you will be worthy to reign with Him.

Therefore do not be quick to succumb to the lies and liars that come at you. Rather be resisting and refusing to give mental acceptance to their accusations against Me, and their seductive suggestions to commit sin. You are not called to listen to the voices of the wicked spirits, and obey them. You are intended to listen to My Spirit and obey the commands of the same. When you pay heed to the One I have given to guide you into all truth, you will be able to see thru the cunningly devised tales. These tales are intended to entangle and enslave you, so that you are far from Me.

I do not intend you to fall away from Me under such testing, I intend you to cling to Me for I am the One who desires you to win the battle. Therefore do not allow yourselves to indulge in self pity or accusations against Me. Be knowing that others who have gone before you have suffered more than you can imagine yet remained TRUE TO ME.

Do not exaggerate your sufferings, rather realize that they are a part of the cost of following in the steps of My Son Jesus. Consider, He did not give way to accusations or self pity. He simply sought to please Me and finish His course in obedience, and remain in the Way that I ordained. So it is that I will enable you to do likewise, and receive the rewards that I have for the ones who remain TRUE TO ME.

Recollect how many times in your journey, you have faced impossible situations and circumstances where there was no way, yet I removed the obstacles and made the Way for you. I am the same God, and My mercies and My miracles remain available to all, who look to Me as their source and their hope. You are not meant to be hopelessly bound in despair. You're called to be hopefully trusting and believing in Me. I AM YOUR SOURCE AND YOUR DELIVERER.

When you hear My Words and obey them, you are building on that which is solid and cannot be shaken by the storms of life. All who seek to destroy you, will be destroyed. For vengeance belongs to Me and I do repay. Therefore, know that I am indeed the ROCK OF REFUGE, THE HIGH TOWER OF SAFETY. Do not be ashamed to admit your need of Me, nor care what others think of you.

The ones who would criticize you, will be left shaking their heads in dismay, as you are delivered from their sight by My mighty power and mercies that I give. Be glad each day that you can choose to be a winner in My Kingdom and are not bound to death as a sinner!

The foolish who choose sin above righteousness, are dull and dumb and easily deceived, because they want to be such. Their end is destruction, because they love darkness to cover their evil deeds. However, nothing is hidden from Me and the actions of all are made evident before Me. Be glad to be in My Light and remain in the path of Life Abundant, knowing Me as the Master who cares for you always.

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